Release speculation page

This page is pure speculation on Fanstoys next releases. Thanks to TFW user zgbsn721 for the initial compilation of information (original post is here and here)

The table in the figure below is a placeholder image. I will create a proper table in a while.


  • Jan – FT-31D Smokey (Blurred Render – Oct 2018, Grey Prototype – March 2019, Color Test Shot – May 2020) – 29 Months Reveal to Release, 24 Months from Grey Prototype, 9 Months from Color Test Shot
  • Feb – CNY
  • March – FT-45 Spindrift 2.0 (Grey Prototype & Render – July 2019, Color Test Shot – July 2020) 20 Months From Reveal to Release, 8 Months from Color Test Shot
  • April – FT-29T Quietus (Reissue)
  • May – FT-12/FT-12T Grenadier (Reissue)
  • June – FT-13 Mercenary (Reissue) / FT-14 Forager (Reissue)
  • July – FT-19 Apache (Reissue) / FT-05 Soar (Reissue)
  • August – FT-07 Stomp (Reissue)
  • September – RP-01 Acoustic Wave (Render – July 2019, Grey Prototype – March 2020, Color Test Shot – July 2021) 26 Months from Reveal to Release, 19 Months from Grey Prototype, 2 Months From Color Test shot
  • October – RP-01A Tapes 27 Months from Reveal to Release, 20 Months from Grey Prototype, 3 Months From Color Test shot
  • November – FT-46 Tesla 2.0 (Grey Prototype – February 2020, Color Test Shot – June 2021)  21 Months Revel to Release, 5 Months from Color Test Shot
  • November/December – FT-47 Rig* (Blurred Render – July 2019, Grey Prototype – March 2020, Painted Test Shot – June 2021) 29 Months from Reveal to Release, 21 Months from Grey Prototype, 6 Months from Color Test Shot
  • December – FT-51 Chomp (Redesigned Announced – March 2020, Painted Prototype – June 2021 (was actually 5/31, but I’m rounding up)) 6 Months Revel to Release. (21 Months from Redesign Announcement) 

14 Releases – 7 New Molds – 7 Reissues


  • January – FT-21 Berserk (June 2018 Redesign Announced, Revised Render – July 2019) – 30 Months (43 from Redesign Announcement)
  • February – CNY
  • March – FT-25 Outrider (October 2018 – Redesign Announced, Revised Grey Proto – July 2020, Revised Painted Test Shot – July 2021) – 20 Months (41 from Redesign Announcement)
  • April –
  • May –
  • June – FT-48 Jive (Render – March 2020, Color Render – May 2021) – 27 Months
  • July – FT-49 Phantasm (Blurred Render – March 2020, Color Render – May 2021) – 28 Months
  • August –
  • September –
  • October –
  • November –
  • December –


  • January –
  • February – CNY
  • March –
  • April – FT-26 Pulley (Grey Proto – July 2021) – 21 Months
  • May –
  • June – 
  • July – 
  • August –
  • September –
  • October – FT-53 Parkour (Render – July 2021) – 27 Months
  • November –
  • December –

Generally what we see of figures follows the order of Render > Grey Prototype > Painted Test Shot & Preorder, so I ordered the release schedule based on what stage we have gotten to see of a figure and when we saw it.

I would expect to see a colored test shot of FT-21 Berserk really any day now, but currently I’d say he has the highest probability of being in the incorrect slot.

FT-48 and 49 are also a bit over due for a grey prototype reveal. Hopefully we get to see them soon.

I keep seeing FT-26 Pulley being estimated as Q1 2022, the data does not support this. I believe this info came from a preorder listing from a China based seller.

Unless FT has something they are quite far along on (Colored Test Shot stage) and haven’t shown at all, I’d say the only other possible releases for 2022 are the rest of the combiner limbs.

2023 has slots for 2-3 more reveals at the most, If we see another grey prototype this month, it would most likely land somewhere between March-May, another render would end up falling to the end of the year around Nov.-Dec.

What’s Missing from the list?

These are the outliers. 

FT-30D, 30E, & 31E
Based on the reveals we have and the data, It is very likely that the combiner bots will have to come out some time between April-December 2022. If not, 2022 will end up being the year of reissues and/or repaints. 

These guys appear to be long over due, but considering the “E” bots will include all the combiner bits, it would make sense that they would take about twice as long as a normal release. As of right now, FT-31E is really only about 6 months overdue (based on when the Grey Prototype was shown).

So what about FT-30D? No clue. I think it’s been pretty obvious to everyone that something is up with these for a while now, so we will just have to wait on Fans Toys.

  • FT-31E Bandit (Blurred Render – March 2018, Grey Prototype – March 2019) – 27 Months since last seen (7/2021)
  • FT-30D Hollywood (Blurred Render – November 2017) – 44 Months since last seen (7/2021)
  • FT-30E Viper (Blurred Render – November 2017) – 44 Months since last seen (7/2021)

FT-40 & 40A
No insight on these. This would be a release unlike any other by any company ever. My best guess is this will end up crowd funded in some capacity, if it ever actually gets a release.​

  • FT-40 (Render – October 2019) – 33 Months since last seen (7/2021)
  • FT-40A (Render – October 2019) – 33 Months since last seen (7/2021)