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    But that said, I do think that it’s fucking awesome that you and Forty did what you did, because even though I’m not interested in taking that one mod’s offer to explain it to the board admins, it still probably made you each persona non grata to do so.

    Thanks for the kind words man. Talking about toys is fun but meeting cool people is what it’s about. I told Dpuff before but I think in these weird times, us messing around actually gave me hope. And interestingly enough, others wanted join in too.

    The only problem in the case of TFW is that any messing around will always have be bounded by the stretchable limits that the mods (and the sponsor stores) have, and they may simply delete everything on a whim.

    And I’m more sure than ever that those limits are stretched and relaxed based on whether or not the person within them is pro-business or pro-consumer.

    What you do is distinctly pro-consumer: it’s why you’re constantly accused of being “off-topic.” There are a dozen or so users there who do nothing but troll consumers by telling them that all suppliers are wonderful, altruistic people (they usually say something like “If ya can’t afford these products than don’t bye them!”) and it’s just not reasonable to think that they aren’t also violating those very vaguely worded terms-of-service agreements, seeing as how everything they post is designed to antagonize.

    Christian Written by: