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    DX9 Menasor. I’m only missing Wildrider, the lower left leg, and I’ll probably snag him sooner rather than later.

    As far as Menasor goes, I think Atilla is hands-down the best on the market. FansToys only exists in theory and it may top it, but I’d be surprised.

    Motormaster, though, is a different story. XTB’s Gravestone is on the left, DX9 Capone on the right. This is where the quality of companies like FT shines: my Capone was broken straight out of the box. A glued on piece of the wheel well fell right off and while I re-glued it, I also had to totally detach the trailer swivel because they attached his upper body completely backwards and it wouldn’t transform. Thankfully, this was just one screw, but it was a tense few moments in my house.

    If you want Menasor, I’d go DX9. If you want Stunticons, FansToys all the way. Although, I do like XTB Gravestone better than the other options.

    Christian Written by: