Reply To: What is Your Latest Purchase (or Your Most Recent Cancellation)?

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    I had all XTB Menasor including the upgrade pack and just decided to sell it me get a 2nd fans toys set. Now I’m here with 2 unfinished Mensors wondering if it’ll be able to stand when Bandit finally releases and debating getting in on the DX9 set with Capone coming out again soon. I’ve got Stunticon commitment issues. Latest purchase though is the MMC laser beak and Buzzsaw on the way with 48 energon cubes. We might actually get to talk about a new FT release next month!

    Let me know what you think about that Laserbeak and Buzzsaw. I’m always kind of tempted but I read that they are fiddly.

    I am worse than you, I have 30% of the MMC Menasor, 40% of the DX9 one, and 80% of the FT one. Story of my life.

    Fortynickel Written by: